A 15-year-old boy has tragically lost his life and a 48-year-old man is fighting for his own after a devastating stabbing incident in Wildwood, Florida. The suspect, a 16-year-old boy, is now in custody. According to the Sumter County Sheriff’s Office, the incident occurred during a sleepover at a residence, and the alleged attacker has been charged with first-degree murder among other charges. Let’s delve into the details of this horrific event.

Authorities were alerted to the scene late on Saturday night, where they discovered both victims with severe stab wounds. Despite their immediate transport to a nearby hospital, the 15-year-old victim sadly did not survive. His death has left the community in shock and mourning. The 48-year-old man, though critically injured, is now in stable condition, giving hope for his recovery.

Law enforcement officials swiftly identified the suspect as 16-year-old Alexander Warren Hernandez. Hernandez reportedly forced his way into the house during the sleepover, leading to the fatal stabbing and the threats made towards another person present. While attempting to intervene, the 48-year-old man also suffered severe injuries. After the incident, Hernandez fled the scene. However, authorities managed to track him down with the help of a helicopter. Upon his arrest, he was found to be in possession of a scythe and a pocket knife, believed to be the weapons used in the attack.

Undersheriff Pat Breeden labeled the incident as a “premeditated and targeted attack,” shedding light on the fact that the suspect had acquired the weapons online earlier that same day. Hernandez’s actions, including playing with the weapons and walking nearly six miles to the victim’s residence, indicate a disturbing level of planning. The motive behind the attack is still being investigated, leaving the community searching for answers.

Hernandez currently faces serious charges, including first-degree murder, aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, and armed burglary. The Sumter County Sheriff’s Office has not ruled out the possibility of additional charges. Both the victim and the suspect had recently withdrawn from Sumter County Schools for homeschooling. For now, Hernandez remains behind bars, held without bond at the Sumter County Jail.

The community mourns the loss of a young life and prays for the recovery of the injured man, as questions surrounding this horrifying incident continue to haunt Wildwood, Florida.

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