Terrorist plows car into police officers, wounding one seriously, then attempted to stab staff at a nearby checkpoint.

By World Israel News Staff

A terrorist rammed his vehicle into a group of police officers overnight Tuesday, then attempted to stab guards at a nearby checkpoint and was shot and killed.

The initial attack took place near Kochav Yair, a small town in central Israel. Police officers had set up a temporary checkpoint, aimed at thwarting vehicle theft, on the highway outside of the community, according to Hebrew-language media reports.

Wahab Shabita, an 26-year-old Arab-Israeli resident of the nearby Arab city of Tira, intentionally plowed his car into officers at at the scene.

Four officers were wounded, with one listed as being in serious condition.

Shabita then drove to the Eliyahu Checkpoint, a border crossing into PA-controlled areas in Judea and Samaria.

He exited his vehicle and attempted to stab staff at the checkpoint.

Security forces shot Shabita and he was pronounced dead at the checkpoint.

The perpetrator’s family claimed that he was suffering from psychological difficulties and has not set out to commit a terror attack.

“He was a quiet and introverted guy, who was recently diagnosed with a mental disorder and was receiving therapy at home,” they told Ynet.

However, the family also admitted to Ynet that they had concerns he may be a danger to himself or others.

They claimed that Shabita was acting strangely when he left the house that evening, so they had contacted police with his vehicle description and license plate number in the hopes that that the authorities could bring him home.

However, police said in a statement that the family only contacted them after the ramming attack occurred.

The family told Ynet that they wanted a “full investigation” into the events of the night and that they are “against all forms of violence.”

Shabita’s rampage marks the third terror attack in Israel since Sunday.

Earlier this week, an Arab-Israeli from the Bedouin city of Rahat stabbed a soldier at the Beersheba Bus Station. The soldier was lightly injured and the terrorist was shot dead.

Later on Sunday, a Palestinian from the Hebron area went on a stabbing rampage in a mall, seriously wounding three victim. He too was shot dead at the scene by police.

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