In Harahan, Louisiana, shock and sadness have reverberated through the community following the death of 6-year-old Bella Fontenelle.

On Wednesday, Hannah Landon, 43, was arrested and charged with first-degree murder for the child’s death. Jefferson Parish Sheriff Joe Lopinto stated that Landon is the girlfriend of Bella’s father. Preliminary autopsy results reported that Bella had died from both manual strangulation and blunt force injuries to her head.

According to Lopinto, investigators believe that Bella was killed at her father’s home and then transported to her mother’s residence which was about a block away. It was there that they found the girl’s body inside a closed, 10-gallon chlorine bucket on her mother’s lawn.

Although investigators have not yet speculated about a possible motive, they have stated that Fontenelle’s biological parents had no involvement in the homicide.

Neighbors, friends, and community members have been devastated by losing this young, vibrant girl who was described as “an itty-bitty princess.” Bella often rode her bicycle to the nearby levee or was seen playing with her 7-year-old sister.

At her court appearance, Landon was denied bond with the judgment determined by a judge. Acknowledging the heartbreaking incident, Harahan police Chief Ed Lepre stated that the department is offering its support and prayers to the family of Bella.

The sudden, tragic death of little Bella Fontenelle has left a deep hole in the hearts of those who knew her, sending ripples of sorrow through her family and community. The investigation is still underway as authorities work to uncover the circumstances that led to this incomprehensible crime.

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