Arab terrorist runs down IDF soldiers in Jordan Valley attack.

By World Israel News Staff

Two IDF soldiers were injured in a terrorist ramming attack in the Jordan Valley region Thursday afternoon.

The attack occurred near the Beka’ot checkpoint, near the Israeli town of Beka’ot at approximately 12:45 p.m. Thursday, when a terrorist approaching the checkpoint rammed into a group of soldiers.

Other soldiers stationed at the checkpoint opened fire on the terrorist, neutralizing him.

There are currently no details available regarding the condition of the wounded terrorist.

Both of the soldiers injured in the ramming attack are listed in light condition.

Paramedics were dispatched to the scene to treat the two injured soldiers, before evacuating them to Ha’Emek Medical Center in Afula.

“A terrorist ramming attack occurred a short time ago at an army checkpoint near Beka’ot,” an IDF spokesperson said.

“Reservist IDF combat soldiers operating at the scene shot and neutralized the terrorist. Two reserve soldiers were lightly injured in the attack.”

“Their families have been notified.”

The army has launched a manhunt of the surrounding area for any possible accomplices the driver may have had.

Earlier on Thursday, two Arab terrorists from Jerusalem shot and murdered three Israelis and wounded eight others in western Jerusalem.

The victims killed in the attack included Rabbi Elimelech Wasserman, 73, a Hasidic rabbinic court judge; Chana Ifergan, 67, the director of an ultra-Orthodox girls’ school in Beit Shemesh, and 24-year-old Livia Dickman, a resident of the Har Nof neighborhood of the capital.

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