Shadi Zakarneh was killed alongside other terrorists by an IAF strike on his vehicle after Shin Bet saw him traveling in Qabatiya.

By World Israel News Staff

On Thursday, the IDF and Israel’s security forces (Shin Bet) eliminated a terror leader who planned numerous attacks in Northern Samaria.

Shadi Zakarneh was killed alongside other terrorists by an IAF strike on his vehicle after Shin Bet saw him traveling in Qabatiya.

The strike that killed Zkarneh also eliminated two other terrorists in the vehicle and a strike on an additional vehicle killed three others.

The second vehicle was laden with explosives, and the strike caused multiple blasts.

As part of the operation, four wanted security forces arrested terrorists.

Troops from the elite Dudevan unit killed four terrorists during the battle and confiscated weapons belonging to the terrorists.

The United Nations General Assembly is slated to vote on a new draft resolution that would, if passed, demand Israel ethnically cleanse Judea and Samaria of its Jewish population.

The text of the draft calls explicitly for the end of Israel’s presence in Judea and Samaria and a full withdrawal of military forces and Israeli civilian populations,” Channel 12 reported Monday.

The draft resolution will be placed on the General Assembly’s docket during its upcoming 79th session, slated to open on Tuesday.

According to Israeli Ambassador to the U.N. Danny Danon, the General Assembly will vote on the resolution sometime next week.

In addition to demanding Israel terminate its military and civilian presence in Judea and Samaria, the resolution calls on U.N. member states to impose sanctions on Israeli leaders and to adopt arms embargos on the Jewish state.

In a statement late Sunday night, Danon excoriated the Palestinian Authority mission for submitting the draft, and called on the General Assembly to reject the proposal.

“The resolution calls, among other things, for the end of an Israeli presence in ‘the Palestinian territories’ within six months, the IDF’s withdrawal from ‘the territories,’ a halt to ‘settlements,’ and the return of [Palestinians] ‘to their land’.

“If this resolution passes in the General Assembly, especially on the one-year anniversary of the October 7th massacre — the deadliest attack against Jews since the Holocaust — it will be a reward for terrorism and a message to the world that the barbaric slaughter of children, the rape of women and the kidnapping of innocent civilians is a worthwhile tactic.”

“I call on the General Assembly to reject this disgraceful resolution outright, and instead adopt a resolution condemning Hamas and calling for the immediate release of all hostages. Let it be clear: nothing will stop Israel or deter it from its mission to bring home the hostages and eliminate Hamas.”

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