Frank Fritz, a prominent figure on the reality TV show “American Pickers,” passed away at the age of 60 on September 30. The cause of death, as revealed by his death certificate, was a stroke, medically referred to as “late sequela of cerebral infarction.” The stroke was a result of cerebral vascular disease, a group of conditions that impact blood flow and blood vessels in the brain, as explained by the University of Michigan Health.

Fritz was also battling aortic stenosis, a chronic condition that restricts the flow of blood from the heart to the rest of the body, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), a condition that obstructs airflow and makes breathing difficult due to damage to the airways or other parts of the lung. Both these conditions played a role in Fritz’s demise, as per the official document.

The news of Fritz’s death was shared by his co-star and friend, Mike Wolfe, on social media on October 1. Wolfe expressed his grief, stating that he had known Fritz for more than half his life and that the man viewers saw on TV was the same off-camera. He described Fritz as a dreamer who was as sensitive as he was humorous, and someone who touched many hearts by being himself.

Fritz had been hospitalized for a stroke two years prior to his death. Wolfe reminisced about their shared adventures before the show, traveling to unknown places with no set destination, driven by their shared passion for discovering something interesting and historic. He expressed his gratitude for being by Fritz’s side during his last journey home and shared his deep sense of loss.

Fritz and Wolfe had been co-hosting “American Pickers” since 2010, traversing the US in search of rare artifacts and treasures to sell in antique shops or add to their personal collections. The History Channel and the show’s producers, Cineflix Production, released a joint statement expressing their sorrow over Fritz’s passing. They remembered him as ‘the bearded charmer’ with an unending quest for vintage motorcycles and bikes, and extended their condolences to his loved ones.

In July 2022, Wolfe had shared the news of Fritz’s stroke on Instagram. He had asked for prayers for his friend, who was then hospitalized. Fritz had ceased appearing on “American Pickers” during its 21st season and was later replaced by Wolfe’s brother, Rob.

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