“If the government carries out a hostile takeover of the Judicial Selection Committee, we will paralyze the country.”

By World Israel News Staff

Tens of thousands of people protested in Tel Aviv and other Israeli cities against the government’s judicial reform plans for the 23rd Saturday, ahead of a crucial Knesset vote on the Judicial Selection Committee later this week.

“We face a clear and imminent danger. If the government carries out a hostile takeover of the Judicial Selection Committee, it will be surprised at the magnitude and intensity of the national protests. Only a determined and uncompromising struggle will prevent the government from advancing a dictatorial regime,” protest organizers said in a statement ahead of the nationwide rallies.

“It is clear to all that the government is headed toward a regime change that will destroy the army, the economy and our society. Against this plot, hundreds of thousands will again rise up this week to protest with all their might against the destruction of the State of Israel,” they said.

Negotiations over the judicial reform plans are at an impasse until a Knesset vote on Wednesday to choose two members of parliament to serve on the Judicial Selection Committee.

Opposition members said the freeze was to ensure that they can secure one of the two slots reserved for Knesset members.

Protest organizers said that if the two slots go to members of the coalition, they would “paralyze the country”.

Meanwhile, the main demonstration at Kaplan Junction in Tel Aviv opened with a minute’s silence in memory of the victims of crime in Arab society. As of Saturday, 101 Arab Israelis have been killed.

Demonstrators hoisted a 200 square meter sign that said: Type of citizen: Dead.

Former prime minister Ehud Barak told the Haifa demonstrators: “We will win because we have no other country and we have no other way, we are determined and we will save democracy. We are members of all shades in Israeli society: Arabs, Jews, secular, religious and traditional, we are all one family. The family of the rule of law and democracy. We are in the fight for the soul and future of Israel. It will not be easy or short, but we fight as one family against everything that lies For us, and we will win.”

The post Anti-government protests continue for 23rd week ahead of key judicial vote appeared first on World Israel News.

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