‘Let the IDF prevail!’ National Security Minister defends IDF soldiers who entered Arab-Israeli town near the Green Line, in pursuit of Palestinian infiltrators.

By World Israel News Staff

Israeli military forces entered the Arab-Israeli town of Kafr Qassem during the Sabbath in pursuit of Palestinian suspects who had crossed a nearby border fence.

As soldiers made their way into the town, a local resident reportedly approached the force armed with a club. A confrontation ensued, during which the man’s weapon was confiscated and five civilians were injured.

Local residents accused soldiers of carrying out a “riot,” “beating civilians” and “smashing car windows.”

MK Ahmad Tibi, chairman of the Ta’al Party, was among a group of Arab lawmakers who blamed the government for the incident.

“‘There are no injuries among our forces,’ he quoted the IDF spokesperson. “Soldiers injured five Arab civilians in Kafr Qassem!” he lamented.

“Serious and dangerous. Four soldiers entered the eastern neighborhood of Kafr Qassem in the middle of the night, without coordination with the local police, throwing a stun grenade in the street, smashing headlights, and brutally attacking five citizens who came out to see what was going on outside their homes.”

“The attacked citizens received medical care, and according to their testimonies the incident could have ended in a real disaster. All the soldiers involved must be prosecuted and it must be ensured that such dangerous incidents do not occur in the future,” added Arab MK Waleed Taha.

חמור ומסוכן!! ארבעה חיילים נכנסו באישון לילה לשכונה המזרחית בתוך העיר כפר קאסם, ללא תיאום עם המשטרה המקומית, משליכים רימון הלם ברחוב, מנפצים פנסים של רכבים, ותוקפים באכזריות חמישה אזרחים שיצאו להבין מה מתרחש מחוץ לבתיהם! האזרחים המותקפים הובהלו לקבלת טיפול רפואי, ולפי עדויותיהם… pic.twitter.com/qqcm5CloGe

— وليد طه – ווליד טאהא – Waleed Taha (@Waleedt68) September 9, 2023

Minister of National Security Itamar Ben-Gvir (Otzma Yehudit), for his part, came to the soldiers’ defense. “I’m stunned by the IDF Spokesman’s statement that an ‘entry of soldiers into Kafr Qassem is against our practice’. Is Kafr Qassem a former territory of the State of Israel?!”

“I offer my complete support to our heroic soldiers, who, during operational activity, fulfilled their duty and engaged the enemy. Our soldiers work night and day with dedication, risking their lives in order to maintain the safety and security of Israel citizens, and we are obliged to provide them our full support,” tweeted Ben-Gvir, adding, “Let the IDF prevail!”

The post Arab-Israelis clash with IDF forces in border town appeared first on World Israel News.

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