Salt Lake City, Utah – Brianne Dressen, a 42-year-old mother, has filed a lawsuit against AstraZeneca, alleging that she suffered a severe neurological condition as a result of participating in an AstraZeneca vaccine trial. Dressen claims that the experimental vaccine has had a significant impact on her life and has left her unable to work, engage in athletic activities, or fulfill her parenting responsibilities as she used to. The lawsuit, which was filed in the U.S. District Court for the State of Utah, accuses AstraZeneca of breaching their contract by failing to cover Dressen’s medical expenses.

The case highlights the lack of legal recourse for vaccine injury victims due to the federal Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act. Dressen is unable to file a product liability lawsuit against AstraZeneca, but she is pursuing legal action based on the breach of contract. Daniel Horowitz, a conservative commentator, expressed shock at the situation, pointing out the limited options for compensation for victims of vaccine injuries.

The Oxford-AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine, developed in collaboration with Oxford University and the Serum Institute of India, was not rolled out in the United States but was administered billions of times worldwide. Despite reports of adverse effects such as abnormal bleeding, low blood platelets, blood clots, and even death, AstraZeneca maintained that there was no evidence of an increased risk associated with the vaccine.

Dressen’s lawsuit claims that AstraZeneca made written promises to trial participants, including financial reimbursement for clinic visits and compensation for study-related injuries. However, when Dressen experienced adverse effects, she alleges that the company failed to provide the promised support. Dressen’s condition has had a profound impact on her life, and she says her children can no longer remember the person she was before the injury.

AstraZeneca declined to comment on the ongoing litigation but reiterated that patient safety is its highest priority. The company stated that clinical trials and real-world data have consistently shown the AstraZeneca-Oxford vaccine to have an acceptable safety profile.

The outcome of Dressen’s lawsuit could have significant implications for vaccine trial participants seeking legal recourse for injuries linked to experimental vaccines. As the case unfolds, it raises questions about the responsibility of pharmaceutical companies for compensating individuals who experience adverse effects from their products.

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