Five employees of a popular luxury resort in Bali, known for its Instagram appeal, tragically lost their lives on Friday when the cable of the hotel’s elevator broke, causing them to fall 300 feet into a ravine. The victims, two men and three women, were part of the housekeeping staff at the Ayuterra Resort and were in the elevator around 1 p.m. when the incident occurred.

The deceased, all Indonesian nationals, have been identified as Kadek Hardiyanti, 24, Sang Putu Bayu Adi Krisna, 19, Ni Luh Supernigsih, 20, I Wayan Aries Setiawan, 23, and Kadek Yanti Pradewi, 19. Two of the victims died instantly from the impact, while the remaining three succumbed to their injuries at the hospital.

Ubud Police Commissioner Made Uder, as reported by the Bali Sun, stated that the elevator’s rope was not strong enough to bear the weight, leading to the cable snapping. He further explained that the safety brake or wedge failed to function, causing the elevator to descend rapidly, making the accident unavoidable.

Following the incident, Bali’s deputy governor, Cok Ace, who also chairs the Hotel and Restaurant Association Bali, reviewed the hotel’s safety documents. He noted that this was the first such incident and that the permits, particularly those related to the use and safety of work and the condition of the lift, seemed in order.

The Bali police are investigating the cause of the cable snapping and the absence of a secondary safety mechanism to prevent the elevator from falling down the shaft. The lift, famous on Instagram, was used by both tourists and staff to move between the upper levels of the hotel and the facilities on the lower level.

Guests of the resort have been relocated during the investigation and mourning period. The resort’s owner, Linggawati Utomo, 60, has committed to covering the funeral costs of the deceased. Additionally, he reportedly paid the victims’ families approximately $4,000 USD each to discourage them from pursuing legal action against the resort.

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