Flight attendants supporting Islamic terrorists would seem to be suicidal, but they’re not alone.

By Daniel Greenfield, Frontpage Magazine

Karen Martin was the first of the flight attendants to be attacked by Islamic terrorists on September 11.

While the head flight attendant on American Airlines Flight 11 lay bleeding after being stabbed, the rest of her team, Betty Ong and Amy Sweeney, remained collected and provided the first reports about the hijacking.

By the time the 9/11 attacks were over, 25 flight attendants would be among the nearly 3,000 killed by Arab Muslim terrorists.

Airline passengers however recently noted the shocking images of some flight attendants wearing PLO pins.

Islamic terrorists claiming to represent the cause of the Arab Muslim colonists in Israel who called themselves ‘Palestinians’ had innovated the practice of the mass hijacking of airplanes.

There was a direct line between the Dawson’s Field hijacking of four airplanes in 1970 and the hijacking of four airplanes by Al Qaeda on September 11.

In 1970, a plane headed to New York City was hijacked by a terrorist holding a gun to a flight attendant’s head.

While an Israeli steward helped end a hijacking attempt on one of the planes, the captured terrorists were traded in exchange for the hostages.

And one of the terrorists, Leila Khaled, would go on to become a popular figure in the campus anti-Israel movement.

Flight attendants supporting Islamic terrorists would seem to be suicidal, but they’re not alone.

The Association of Flight Attendants CWA recently announced that it had joined other radical unions in bailing out Hamas by calling for an end to Israeli attacks on the Islamic terrorist group.

The AFA-CWA has taken to trying to ‘organize’ Delta workers into joining its radical union and has championed the wearing of PLO flag pins as a sign of what it can do for flight attendants.

When Delta reacted by banning any pins other than the American flag, an AFA-CWA video furiously blasted the airline for taking a stand for America and against support for terrorists.

The video claimed that opposing terrorist flag pins was “racist” and urged flight attendants to join the union which would protect them from “harassment” by passengers opposed to terrorism.

Other flight attendants wearing terrorist flag pins were seen on Spirit and JetBlue: whose flight attendants are represented by AFA-CWA.

JetBlue was accused of “blatant antisemitism” after calling the police on a Jewish passenger after he objected to a terrorist flag pin.

The AFA-CWA may be ‘ground zero’ for the explosion of terrorist flag pins on planes.

Sara Nelson, the president of AFA CWA, had previously weaponized the union for partisan attacks, but this is the first time a union of flight attendants is working to help terrorists.

Some of the same Islamic terrorists who butchered flight attendants on September 11.

Hamas, which the AFA CWA is trying to save as part of the so-called National Labor Network for Ceasefire (NLNC), is an arm of the Muslim Brotherhood.

As was Al Qaeda whose core emerged out of a splinter group of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Osama bin Laden had been a member of the Brotherhood. Intervening to save Hamas in Gaza is the same thing as saving Al Qaeda.

The AFA-CWA press release described President Sara Nelson as a “a consistent social justice supporter” and claimed that the union was trying to stop Israel’s attacks on Hamas because “aviation’s first responders bring people together around the world. Saving lives comes first.”

As Americans found out on September 11, saving lives in the air requires fighting terrorists, not surrendering to them. The AFA-CWA’s attempt to save terrorists will only cost more lives.

Including those of flight attendants.

Unlike the Association of Professional Flight Attendants, which is an independent union that represents American Airlines flight attendants and maintains a memorial to the heroic flight attendants killed on 9/11, the AFA CWA is an extremist organization linked to the far left.

While the AFA part stands for the Association of Flight Attendants, the CWA part means that the union is actually a subset of the Communications Workers of America.

The CWA had already issued its own demand that Israel stop attacking Hamas.

As has the AFL-CIO that the CWA is affiliated with. Rather than representing flight attendants, the AFA-CWA is part of a larger leftist political machine whose roots are not in the workplace, but in the government-union complex.

AFA-CWA President Sara Nelson, who was being considered for a ‘labor’ cabinet position in the Biden administration, has done quite well at the expense of actual labor.

Records show that while the average flight attendant earns less than $70,000, Nelson made nearly $180,000.

Nelson is married to fellow union honcho, David Borer, who is the general counsel for the American Federation of Government Employees.

Borer’s salary has been estimated at $290,000. Together this ‘union household’ pulls down nearly half a million dollars a year.

That may explain how Sara Nelson and David Borer’, whose unions are both under the AFL-CIO umbrella, can afford to live in Chevy Chase, an extremely wealthy D.C. area neighborhood where the elite reside and other political government operatives make their home.

Nelson is an ally of Sen. Bernie Sanders who has repeatedly attacked Israel for defending itself. And like Sanders, Nelson has learned to live quite well while shouting about class warfare.

The AFA CWA’s efforts to save Islamic terrorists, who murder flight attendants, show that the union no longer represents flight attendants or Americans, but a class of radical activists who hate America and support its enemies.

And they want to fly the colors of those enemies.

Flight attendants, like all of us, have a choice. We can be like Betty Ong and Amy Sweeney who resisted the Islamic terrorists on September 11, or like Sara Nelson who defends them.

On September 11, Arab Muslims had to hijack planes to fly them into buildings. But now there are radical flight attendants who don’t even need to be hijacked to support airline hijackers.

The post Flight attendants for Islamic airline hijackers appeared first on World Israel News.

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