Hundreds of protesters demand Jerusalem university fire Arab-Israeli professor who denied Hamas rapes, accused Israel of genocide.

By World Israel News Staff

Hundreds of Hebrew University students rallied Sunday, demanding school administrators fire an anti-Zionist professor who accused Israel of “genocide” and “sexual abuse” of Gazans, while denying Hamas atrocities on October 7th, including the rape of Israelis.

Last week, Hebrew University announced that it had suspended Nadera Shalhoub-Kevorkian, a Haifa-born Arab-Israeli professor, after she denied Hamas atrocities and accused Israel of genocide.

In a recent podcast, she referred to the State of Israel as “dishonest” and “criminal,” calling the “Zionist entity” a “killing machine.”

“They will use everything to further kill,” Shalhoub-Kevorkian said. “It is a killing machine, and it is a necropolitical regime that can survive only on the erasure of Palestinians and only when they will stop this and they will acknowledge what they are doing then we can start talking…but not to criminals.”

Following the announcement, anti-Zionist students protested the suspension last week, offering their support to Shalhoub-Kevorkian.

Some of students who came to aid her sang the Palestine Liberation Organization anthem, and held a sit-in in order to protest Shalhoub-Kevorkian’s suspension.

On Sunday, the Im Tirtzu Zionist activist group organized a counter-demonstration.

“Our policy is that people who deny October 7th, support Palestinian nationalism and slander Israel the world over, and do not recognize Israel as a Jewish and democratic state, should not be part of the fabric of Israeli society and the Hebrew University,” organizers said.

“We as students do not want to study with them, do not want to see them. We call out Kevorkian and shame her, and call for a blanket ban on any such despicable person.”

Lior Cohen, student and supervisor of the Im Tirtzu student cell at Hebrew University said: “Hundreds of students united today with a clear demand: remove the supporters of terrorism and deniers of the massacre from the campus. We will not remain silent in the face of incitement, Nadira must be fired!”

The chairman of the National Union of Students, Elhanan Fellheimer, chided Hebrew University for failing to fire the anti-Zionist professor.

“The Hebrew University continues to disappoint in its conduct; in that it operates under a ‘too little – too late’ policy.”

“It is inconceivable that an academic institution would not ensure a zero tolerance for supporting terrorism, that the university would not act intensely and harshly condemn a lecturer who expresses herself in a despicable and inappropriate manner.”

“With the current policy, there is no sense of security on campus. This is the time to do what’s right: I call on the heads of the university to comply with the order of the hour – to remove Prof. Shalhoub-Kevorkian immediately and to condemn all inappropriate, violent conduct and support for terrorism.”

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