An attack launched by Hamas from Nassar hospital last month was captured with IDF radar imagery. 

Vered Weiss, World Israel News 

The IDF spokesman announced Friday that special forces entered a hospital in Gaza and apprehended 20 terrorists directly involved with the October 7th massacre.

In addition, dozens of suspected terrorists were detained for questioning.

The forces entered Nasser hospital in Khan Younis because the IDF had “credible intelligence” that hostages and corpses of Israeli captives were being held there.

The elite Maglan and naval commando unit discovered  mortars, grenades and other weapons in the medical facility.

In addition Hamas terrorists were launching missiles against Israel from the hospital, a common practice used by Hamas.

“The use of hospitals for terrorist activities, firing mortar shells from civilian areas, and for holding hostages are against the international law,” reported Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari, IDF spokesman.

On Thursday, IDF spokesperson Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari discussed the extensive use of hospitals to house Hamas’s terrorist activities.

He explained, “As was proven with the Shifa Hospital, Rantisi Hospital, Al Amal Hospital; and many other hospitals across Gaza, Hamas systematically uses hospitals as terror hubs.”

He cited the fact that “over 85 percent of major medical facilities in Gaza” were used by Hamas as locations for the terror group’s activities.

Hagari explained that the IDF was sending troops who had ‘specified training’ on how to deal with an enemy using civilians as human shields, as Hamas does frequently, especially inside of hospitals.

An attack launched by Hamas from Nassar hospital last month was captured with IDF radar imagery.

“The use of hospitals for terrorist activities, firing mortar shells from civilian areas, and for holding hostages are against the international law,” reported Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari, IDF spokesman.

He added, the IDF will “continue to operate in accordance with international law against the Hamas terror group, which has systematically operated from within hospitals and other civilian infrastructures.”

The initial IDF announcement was that special forces entered the hospital in search of bodies of hostages.

On Thursday, Hagari said,  “We have credible intelligence from a number of sources, including from released hostages, indicating that Hamas held hostages at the Nasser hospital in Khan Yunis and that there may be bodies of our hostages in the Nasser hospital facility.”

The post IDF arrests 20 Oct 7 terrorists at Gaza hospital appeared first on World Israel News.

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