Jenin is located near the Green Line, just a short drive away from many Jewish communities.

By World Israel News Staff

The Israeli police conducted a series of intensive drills, which included its special forces unit, in order to train for a potential mass invasion of central Israeli communities reminiscent of the October 7th Hamas onslaught into southern Israel.

The drills came as a response to intelligence warnings that a terrorists from the Palestinian Authority-controlled city of Jenin are plotting to storm residential areas in the Shefala region, which is located roughly between Tel Aviv and Jerusalem.

In recent years, Jenin has emerged as a hotbed for terror. Hamas-linked terrorists from the city have carried out numerous shooting, stabbing, and car ramming attacks against Israeli soldiers and civilians.

Jenin is located near the Green Line, just a short drive away from many Jewish communities, making it a natural homebase for terrorists seeking to commit attacks within pre-1967 Israel.

“Following the events of October 7th, we learned our lessons and understood that events could be in multiple locations with many injured with Magen David Adom (MDA) not being able to reach them,” Timur Yagudaev, commander of the Israel Police Special Forces Unit (Yasam) in the Shefala region, in a statement.

“By building a week of operational and tactical medicine capabilities, we will be able to save the lives of wounded soldiers and civilians until [we are able to] evacuate them to a hospital.”

“We are exceptionally strong and prepared for any scenario and incursion,” added Avi Daniel, Commander of Israel Police’s Shefala Region, in a media statement.

Since October 7th, Israeli security forces have raided Jenin multiple times, arresting hundreds of terrorists and seizing weapons.

In January 2024, special forces carried out an arrest operation in a Jenin hospital where terrorists were hiding, preventing an imminent attack against Israeli civilians.

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