The Iranian leader’s propaganda-filled letter praised the anti-Israel protestors on campus for persevering against the government’s “ruthless pressure.”

By Batya Jerenberg, World Israel News

Iran’s Supreme Leader posted an online letter of thanks Thursday to all the anti-Israel protestors on American college campuses, praising them for joining the Tehran-led “Axis of Resistance” against the Jewish state.

“You have now formed a branch of the Resistance Front and have begun an honorable struggle in the face of your government’s ruthless pressure – a government which openly supports the usurper and brutal Zionist regime,” Ayatollah Ali Khamenei wrote on X.

Iran controls a string of terror organizations in close proximity to Israel such as Hezbollah in Lebanon, Hamas in Gaza, and the Houthis in Yemen, which it calls the Axis of Resistance whose primary purpose is to destroy the Jewish state as well as spread the Islamists’ takeover of the world.

Khamenei wrote that he “valued” the students’ “perseverance” in “defend[ing] the oppressed” Palestinians in Gaza, while panning what he called “your government’s police brutality” against the protestors.

This was seemingly a reference to the authorities’ removal of encampments on many campuses that broke the universities’ own rules by both their presence and violent rhetoric and illegal actions of their inhabitants, which included innumerable cases of physically assaulting Jewish students and destroying college property.

While scuffles did break out with resisting students and outside agitators who had infiltrated the campuses, none of the hundreds arrested needed any serious medical attention due to the police actions.

Telling them that they were “standing on the right side of history,” Khamenei filled his long missive with a twisted account of recent Jewish history.

As just one example, neglecting to mention the eons-old Jewish connection to the land of Israel that was given legal backing by the international community more than two decades before the establishment of the state, he charged that England helped to “import several thousand terrorists” into the British Mandate of Palestine after World War II.

According to his fictitious account, these “terrorists” then “murdered tens of thousands of people and pushed out multitudes into neighboring countries.”

He went on to charge “the apartheid Zionist regime” with “oppressing” the Palestinians ever since, and committing “genocide” it its current war against Hamas, although Israel has been praised by military experts for making efforts to protect civilians in Gaza to an extent unknown in any other conflict in history.

The Iranian chief mullah then slammed the U.S. “and its allies” for “distorting” who were the terrorists and who were the “courageous, humane resistance movement.”

Hamas terrorists themselves documented the horrific massacres, systematic rapes, and other war crimes they committed during their surprise October 7 invasion of Israel in which they murdered 1,200 people and took captive 253 Israelis and foreign nationals, of whom 125 are still being held hostage in the Gaza Strip.

Many of them are known or feared to be dead, as the terrorists took away a number of bodies of those they slaughtered, and others, especially the elderly hostages, have not received their regularly-needed medications in nearly eight months of captivity.

The campus protests are dying down as the spring semester ends, although anti-Israel activists are vowing to continue advocating key demands such as their schools divesting from Israel and boycotting all academic connections with Israeli institutions.

Several commencement ceremonies have been marred by some graduates demonstrably walking out while chanting to “free Palestine” and waving Palestinian flags, to the cheers of at least part of the audiences.

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