Forensic evidence and eyewitness accounts prove that Hamas committed extensive sexual assault and mutilation against both men and women.

By Vered Weiss, World Israel News

A Nova Music Festival survivor became the first male to publicly describe being raped by Hamas on October 7th.

Although forensic evidence and eyewitness accounts show that Hamas committed sexual assault and mutilation against both men and women, few have come forward to describe their experience publicly.

The male survivor spoke to Channel 12 news anonymously.

The man, who called himself Dalet, was caught among hundreds fleeing invasion by Hamas Nukhba terrorists.

He said, “They pin you to the ground, you try to fight back, they take off your clothes, laugh at you, degrade you, spit at you.”

He continued, “They touched [private] parts. They rape you.”

Dalet explained, “There is a circle, [people] laugh, and you don’t know what to do in the moment, whether you should fight back or let it go, how to deal with the situation. There was a very difficult rape. Then, people arrived and called for them, and so they had to stop.”

“It’s a very tough moment. There was weakness in your whole body and it’s as if your blood is cheap. They were wildly intoxicated, celebrating, laughing with their pistols, with their knives. You disassociate yourself from the situation, but on the other hand, you experience it very intensely. Very difficult,” he said.

Dalet eventually escaped with the help of Israeli security forces.

Not only was the ordeal of sexual assault and humiliation difficult on October 7th, but Dalet explained the challenges of functioning in day-to-day life since the incident.

He described feeling “closed off” from the world around him and an obsession with cleanliness, including “A lot, a lot of showers, to get all that energy off me, everything that happened.”

Dalet said he showed medical evidence of his examination after the assault, proving it had happened, and had also taken polygraph tests.

Anti-Israel activists have denied that Hamas perpetrated sexual assault on October 7th because few have come forward to describe their experiences. However, forensic and eyewitness overwhelmingly proves the scale and severity of Hamas’s sexual crimes.




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