Vice President Kamala Harris participated in a high-profile campaign event on Thursday night, hosted by media mogul Oprah Winfrey. The event, titled “Unite for America,” was a two-hour livestream from Michigan, designed to spotlight grassroots organizers supporting Harris and provide voters with a chance to question her about her platform. However, Harris did not introduce any fresh policy proposals during the event.
One of the key moments of the evening came when Harris was asked about her plans to secure the southern border. Harris, who has a background as a prosecutor and served two terms as the attorney general of a border state, took three minutes to answer the question. Her response concluded with criticism of Republicans for failing to pass a bipartisan border bill, but did not offer any new policy solutions.
Winfrey, who had to interject to steer Harris back to the question, asked if Harris would introduce the failed bill if elected. Harris responded affirmatively, stating that she would ensure the bill reached her desk for signing into law if she became president. However, she did not provide any additional strategies for addressing the border crisis.
The “Unite for America” event aimed to reach a broad audience through Winfrey’s influence and multiple streaming platforms on social media. Several celebrities, including Chris Rock and Ben Stiller, expressed their support for Harris during the event.
During the event, Harris spoke extensively about abortion, describing it as “immoral” to deny individuals the right to make decisions about their own bodies. She also reiterated her plans to provide new homeowners with $25,000 for their down payment, increase tax deductions for new small business owners, and enhance the child tax credit.
Winfrey, who endorsed Harris and spoke at the Democratic National Convention a month prior, noted that Harris had become more active and confident since President Biden withdrew from the race. Harris acknowledged this, stating that she felt a sense of responsibility and purpose after Biden’s departure.
Harris subtly criticized her opponent, former President Donald Trump, during the event, emphasizing the importance of democracy. Despite being a 2024 candidate, Harris has had only six media interviews prior to the livestream with Winfrey, which is significantly fewer than most recent presidential nominees.
Harris’s campaign manager, Jen O’Malley Dillon, acknowledged the close race against Trump and encouraged voters to participate. She emphasized the importance of securing 270 electoral votes and noted that the race was tied in Michigan and other battleground states.