A brief statement from the IDF declared that the “terrorist was neutralized.”

By World Israel News Staff

A Palestinian terrorist attempted a stabbing attack at a bus station in Judea and Samaria on Tuesday evening before being neutralized by Israeli forces, in what was the second terror attack of the day.

A brief statement from the IDF declared that the “terrorist was neutralized” after pulling a knife and running at soldiers at a junction near the Shim’a settlement near Hebron.

The emergency service, Rescuers Without Borders, reported no other injuries.

The incident came on the heels of a separate attack earlier in the day where a Palestinian terrorist carried out a shooting spree in Ma’ale Adumim, wounding six Israelis before being fatally shot by a Border Police officer.

The terrorist had a work permit to enter Israel and had been working as a cleaner in Ma’ale Adumim for years, the city’s mayor, Benny Kashriel, said.

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