Parents Arrested for Allegedly Abandoning Newborn on Christmas Day

A Colorado couple, aged 42 and 33, were apprehended by authorities for allegedly deserting their newborn baby on Christmas Day. The infant, found wearing only a diaper, was left in a car seat on a road median. The parents, identified as Jarvis Sims and Christina Thurman, were arrested on Wednesday and each charged with a count of felony child abuse.

The Adams County Sheriff’s Office reported that deputies responded to a 911 call at approximately 9:20 a.m. on Christmas Day. The call was made by a passerby who noticed an unattended baby in a car seat left on the median near 7490 Pecos Street in Denver, Colorado. The baby was described as wearing only a diaper and was left in a car seat/carrier. The child was believed to be of mixed race or Hispanic descent.

The individual who made the 911 call reportedly stopped to assist the child before alerting the authorities. Upon arrival, first responders began searching the area, hoping to find surveillance footage that might reveal who left the child or anyone who might have been in the vicinity when the baby was abandoned.

The sheriff’s office shared photographs of the car seat in which the child was found on their Facebook page. A small sign reading “Display only. Not intended for sale” was attached to the center of the seat. The office expressed hope that someone might recognize the car seat or have information about the baby or the family, so the child could be reunited with his loved ones and the person responsible for abandoning him could face justice.

At 4:45 p.m. on Wednesday, the sheriff’s office updated their Facebook page, stating they had made contact with the infant’s family members and were continuing to investigate the circumstances surrounding the child’s abandonment. The update also mentioned that criminal charges would be pursued if deemed appropriate.

By 9 p.m. on Wednesday, another update was posted by the sheriff’s office, announcing that the biological parents of the baby had been identified and arrested. The office expressed gratitude to the community for their swift action and assistance in sharing information about the incident.

The infant was taken to Children’s Hospital Colorado as a precautionary measure.

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