Bereaved husband and father who lost his wife and daughters in terror attack last month praises IDF for killing of the terrorists, adds he hoped to ask the terrorists or their families why they murdered his loved ones.

By World Israel News Staff

The bereaved husband and father of three British-Israeli women who were murdered by Arab terrorists last month praised Israeli security forces after they killed the two Hamas terrorists responsible for the murders.

Rabbi Leo Dee, whose wife Lucy and daughters Maia and Rina were murdered in a drive-by shooting attack in the Jordan Valley last month, lauded Israeli security forces in a statement Thursday morning, while tying Tehran to the attack, noting Iran’s support for the Hamas terror organization.

“The kids and I were comforted to hear that the Israeli security forces have eliminated the Iranian-funded terrorists responsible for Lucy, Maia, and Rina’s murders. This has been done in a way that has not endangered the lives of Israeli soldiers, nor innocent Palestinian civilians – in a way that only the Israeli army knows how to do.”

Rabbi Dee added that he had asked officials from the Shin Bet security agency if it would be possible for him to speak with the terrorists’ families to ask them why their relatives committed the murders.

“Furthermore we have asked for the opportunity to speak with the terrorists’ families and ask what good they thought would come out of their actions and to hear their vision for a better world.” Rabbi Dee continued.

In an interview with Reshet Bet, Rabbi Dee added that had the terrorists been captured, he would have sought to ask them personally.

“If the terrorists would have been captured alive, I would have wanted to ask them why they did this. What was their vision for a better world? I asked the Shin Bet if I could speak with their families to ask them that question.”

Three terrorists were killed during a gun battle with Israeli troops in the Palestinian Authority-controlled city of Shechem (Nablus) Thursday morning.

According to a report by The Jerusalem Post, Israeli forces used a suicide drone to bomb the apartment where the terrorists were holed up.

Four other terrorists were reportedly wounded during the battle.

The dead terrorists include  Hassan Katnani and Ma’ad Masri, both members of Hamas who carried out last month’s deadly terror attack. The third terrorist, Ebrahim Hora, actively assisted the Katnani and Masri, the IDF said.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu celebrated the killing of the terrorists.

“This morning, we settled accounts with the murderers of Lucy, Maya and Rina Dee, may their memories be blessed,” Netanyahu said.

“Our message to those who harm us, and those who want to harm us, is that whether it takes a day, a week or a month – you can be certain that we will settle accounts with you. It does not matter where you try to hide – we will find you. Whoever attacks us will pay the price.”


“I would like to thank the security agencies and our brave soldiers who worked night and day to settle accounts with the murderers.”

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