The Oscar winning actress accused Israel of ‘war crimes’ and didn’t mention the atrocities Hamas committed against Israel on October 7th.

By World Israel News Staff

Actress and long-time left-wing activist Susan Sarandon took the podium at a pro-Palestinian rally in New York City over the weekend and declared that the October 7th massacre in Israel was the equivalent of the plight of Palestinians even before the current war.

Sarandon said, “So many people don’t understand the context in which this October 7 assault happened. They don’t understand the history of what has been happening to the Palestinian people for 75 years. So this is an opportunity to educate people if they can have an open mind.”

Without mentioning the 1,200 people Hamas murdered and the 240 hostages taken on the October 7th attack, Sarandon accused Israel of “war crimes” during their military operations in Gaza.

She added, “You don’t have to be Palestinian to understand that war crimes are being delivered every single day, according to the UN and other humanitarian groups.”

On X, Sarandon also posted an image of herself onstage at the rally with the text, “You don’t have to be Palestinian to care about what’s happening in Gaza. I stand with Palestine. No one is free until everyone is free.”

You don’t have to be Palestinian to care about what’s happening in Gaza. I stand with Palestine. No one is free until everyone is free.

— Susan Sarandon (@SusanSarandon) November 4, 2023

Although Sarandon received some positive feedback for her comments, a number of her social media contacts pushed back on her anti-Israel remarks.

“What do you mean by ‘Free Palestine’? You want Hama to govern it?” wrote Madeleine Hubbard.

“You stand with murderers?” wrote @razblizovsky
“The Israeli hostages who were kidnapped by Hamas aren’t free,” said Scottergate.

“You don’t ask for the release of the hostages or condemn Hamas for the massacre? What a truly sad person you are!” said Scott McKenzie.

This isn’t the first time Susan Sarandon has expressed harsh criticism of Israel. In 2021, she implicitly accused Israel of practicing apartheid when she posted a picture of South African anti-apartheid activist Desmond Tutu and wrote, “Israel will never get true security and safety through oppressing another people. A true peace can ultimately be built only on justice.”

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