Protesters violently clashed with NYPD resulting in at least 6 arrests.

By Vered Weiss, World Israel News

On Christmas Day on Monday, hundreds of Pro-Palestinian protestors took to the streets of Manhattan with many holding signs and declaring “Christmas is canceled” while parading a nativity scene splattered with fake blood.

The demonstrations targeted revelers and tourists at Manhattan landmarks, such as the massive Christmas tree in Rockefeller Center.

Protesters violently clashed with NYPD and there were at least 6 arrests, according to the New York Post— four for disorderly conduct, one for graffiti, and one for menacing behavior.

In addition to the sign and chant, “Christmas is canceled here” there were many other slogans, including: “Long Live the Intifada”, ‘While You’re Shopping, Bombs Are Dropping,” “No Joy in Genocide,” “Zionism is terrorism,” and many others.

It is estimated that nearly 500 protestors crowded the streets, and scuffles broke out in front of St. Patrick’s Cathedral during which police attempted to quell the violence.

There was also disorderly behavior at Grand Central Station, but the crowd began to thin out at Union Square.

At the Union Square holiday market, protesters threw flyers featuring gruesome photos with the words “Murdered by Israel.”

The protests on Christmas Day follow a car caravan on Sunday night that was intended to disrupt carolers at Washington Square Park blaring music to drown out their singing.

Pro-Palestinian demonstrations have been a regular occurrence in New York and many other cities worldwide since the October 7th massacre and the ensuing war between Israel and Hamas.

During the traditional Macy’s Day parade on Thanksgiving, anti-Israel protestors super glued themselves to the pavement in front of floats while others poured fake blood over them.

Back-to-back protests occurred in late November coinciding with a week-long ceasefire during which Israel halted military operations temporarily in exchange for the release of 110 hostages.

The post Violent anti-Israel protesters ‘cancel Christmas’ in NYC appeared first on World Israel News.

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