These names remain preliminary until there are more definitive leaks, but they provide an initial image of what a Kamala administration could be like.

By Daniel Greenfield, Frontpage Magazine

While the election is still underway, D.C. insiders are buzzing about the names being put forward for a leading role in a possible Kamala administration.

Some emerging names being reported on by the media include the first female secretary of defense who wanted to dismantle “warrior culture”, either Kamala’s brother-in-law or a former member of a racist hate group for attorney general and an anti-Israel activist as a possible director for national intelligence.

D.C. insiders expect that a Kamala administration will appoint a first female Secretary of Defense, and are pretty sure that it will be current Army Secretary Christine Wormuth.

Wormuth, who got her start as a Clinton intern, has presided over a catastrophic enrollment decline and announced that she wanted to transform military recruiting to focus on equity.

The Secretary of the Army complained that “today more than 80% of recruits come from military families. There is a risk of developing a warrior caste when only 1% of the population serves in the military.”

Instead, “the Army is strategically deploying recruiters to communities across the country based on demographics, ethnicity, race, and gender,” Wormuth had claimed.

The goal was to jettison the multi-generation military families who create the “warrior caste” that she wanted to avoid.

White Army recruits had fallen from a majority to a minority. And kept on falling. The number of white Army recruits declined year by year and fell 43% from 44,042 in 2018 to 25,070 in 2023.

As secretary of defense, Wormuth could help shift the military further away from the traditional “warrior caste” and to DEI hires who are promoted based not on merit or ability, but on quotas, and are statistically less likely to be willing to fight and die for the United States of America.

Attorney generals are the single most important cabinet members. The right attorney general can implement crime fighting priorities or unleash a crime wave. He can also protect administrations from investigations while, like AG Garland, investigating its political opponents.

Freedom Center Investigates reported early on that Tony West, the number three figure at the Justice Department under Obama, and a key figure in his sister-in-law’s presidential campaign who helped vet her VP pick, was a likely nominee for attorney general.

Now that reporting has been validated by Politico, which reported that Kamala’s brother-in-law was on the short list.

West, as Freedom Center Investigates already reported, launched the investigation that promoted the BLM hoax around Michael Brown’s death in Ferguson which helped touch off race riots and made the racial hate group into a national player that strongly influenced the outcome of the 2020 election.

West also oversaw the slush fund that diverted billions from bank settlements to leftist groups allied with the Obama administration.

Nominating West would violate anti-nepotism understandings put into place after JFK appointed his own brother as attorney general. But waiting in the wings would be a potentially even more extreme nominee.

It’s been reported that the Kamala campaign promised Muslim anti-Israel groups that Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison would also be on the short list.

Ellison unusually received a speaking list at the DNC despite past accusations of racism, antisemitism and even domestic abuse by two women. The former member of the Nation of Islam group however is a political ally of Gov. Walz and that may have overcome his ugly past.

The future state attorney general had spent as much as 11 years as a member of a racist hate group whose leader, Louis Farrakhan, praised Hitler, and whose theology claims that white people were created by a mad scientist and will be exterminated by UFOs.

During his time in the hate group, Minnesota Daily opinion editor Michael Olenick had described Ellison’s writing as “a genuine threat to the long-term safety and well-being of the Jewish people.”

“Time and time again my people have been slaughtered after the words of Hakim (Ellison) and those like him influenced the masses,” Olenick wrote.

Ellison first ran for office while affiliated with the Nation of Islam on a platform of, among other things, having Nation of Islam thugs patrol neighborhoods.

Can an antisemitic racist accused of assaulting women become the nation’s attorney general? After securing a state post and a speaking slot at the convention, it may be possible.

On the national security front, Kamala is expected to move Phil Gordon, her current vice presidential adviser, up to national security adviser.

Gordon had blamed America for creating Islamic terrorists. “The idea that terrorists attack because they hate freedom, however, is misguided,” Gordon had argued.

Muslim terrorists weren’t “born evil” or “hate our freedoms”, but rather they feel “shame” over the state of “a once great Islamic civilization” surpassed by other cultures including “the local upstart, Israel.”

He had advocated cutting support to Israel. Multiple media accounts have claimed that Gordon would retool a Kamala administration to be even more anti-Israel than under Biden.

There is emerging reporting that Maher Bitar, a former anti-Israel activist who is currently “the senior-most official responsible for coordinating government intelligence and defense policy”, would move up to the role of the Director of National Intelligence in a Kamala administration.

Bitar, a former executive board member of Students for Justice in Palestine, a campus hate group which has since endorsed Hamas and the atrocities of Oct 7, had been an organizer of a conference by the Palestine Solidarity Movement at Georgetown, which worked with Hamas, and whose previous event had reportedly included chants of “Kill the Jews”.

While other figures on the shortlist, including current National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan for Secretary of State and Pete Buttigieg for UN Ambassador, are troubling in and of themselves, some like Ellison are uniquely polarizing and disturbing.

These names remain preliminary until there are more definitive leaks, but they provide an initial image of what a Kamala administration could be like.

Even before many of these names were being floated, Freedom Center Investigates had developed key profiles and in depth research into their past history and views. That’s why what Freedom Center Investigates does, matters so much.

Freedom Center Investigates will continue to explore and expose the names and backgrounds of the deep state, their relationships and agendas to provide the public with the right to know.

The post What would a Kamala administration look like? appeared first on World Israel News.

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