Iran’s runaway strides in its nuclear program have taken place largely under the watch of the Biden-Harris administration.

By Dr. Majid Rafizadeh, Gatestone Institute

Despite widespread concerns over Iran’s advancing nuclear program, the Biden-Harris administration, along with European leaders, are largely inactive in curbing this growing threat.

As the clock ticks, there has been no concrete strategy proposed to halt Iran’s march towards nuclear weapons, leaving the world in an alarming position.

In a recent development, Representative Mike Turner, Chairman of the US House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, voiced extreme concern regarding Iran’s potential declaration as a nuclear weapons state.

Turner pointed out the unsettling prospect that Iran could announce its nuclear status “by the end of the year.”

He further blamed the Biden administration’s policies for contributing to this dangerous situation, and stated that they have set the stage for a significant escalation. Turner emphasized:

“There is a possibility, with the advances that have been made under the Biden administration’s policy, that Iran could, reports are out, that Iran could declare itself a nuclear weapon state by the end of the year, if—and you would not have had that.”

The gravity of the situation has also been acknowledged by the State Department.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken issuing a warning that Iran is on the verge of producing the materials needed for a nuclear weapon, potentially achieving this within just “one or two weeks.”

This prediction underscores the immediacy of the threat and the limited time left to address it.

Iran’s runaway strides in its nuclear program have taken place largely under the watch of the Biden-Harris administration.

During this administration’s tenure, Iran not only surpassed the level of 3.67% uranium enrichment but also accumulated a large stockpile of low-enriched uranium well beyond the 300 kg cap.

Additionally, Iran has expanded the number of its centrifuges and invested heavily in additional research and development of centrifuge technology, bringing the regime close to nuclear-weapons capability.

Recent reports paint an even more alarming picture: Iran’s uranium enrichment levels have now reportedly reached 84%, a level uncomfortably close to the 90% threshold required for weapons-grade material.

It is perplexing-verging-on-treasonous that the Biden-Harris administration has not taken any decisive action to prevent Iran from going nuclear, or even causing any less devastation in the Middle East.

Iran was also behind “over 150 attacks” on US troops in the Middle East, just since October 7, 2023, wounding many American troops.

Will this administration allow the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism to acquire nuclear weapons?

It many have been what the Obama administration wished — so long as it was “not on my watch” — but it was a terrible idea then, and it is a worse one now.

The prospect of Iran and its Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps arming groups such as Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthis, and Iraqi militias with nuclear weapons is bad for the world’s health.

Iran’s regime that has also repeatedly vowed to annihilate the State of Israel and the United States— after that, presumably, the oil-rich Gulf states.

Iran already controls five other countries in the region: Syria, Lebanon, Yemen and Iraq.

There are flashing neon signs that Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini’s dream of “exporting the Revolution” is steadily extending to America’s backyard.

Latin American rogue states allied with Iran could potentially be transformed into nuclear-armed threats.

Adding to the problem is the Biden-Harris administration’s lack of a clear plan, let alone any desire, to stop Iran’s nuclear ambitions.

Instead of enforcing stringent sanctions, the administration has provided and enriched Iran with over $50 billion, thereby financing not only its nuclear program, but also its regional aggression as well – including against the US.

The US and the West have only a narrow window of time left to prevent Iran from becoming a nuclear-armed state.

It is imperative not only to cut off the flow of funds to the Iranian regime by fully enforcing sanctions and preventing oil sales, but also to neutralize Iran’s nuclear plans — the sooner, the better.

The post Will the Biden-Harris administration allow the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism to acquire nuclear weapons? appeared first on World Israel News.

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