
West Palm Beach, FL – January 12, 2006 – Today, 2008 White House Contender Daniel Imperato further elaborated on his stance on Benjamin Netanyahu, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, and Isreali relations.

“I call on Mr. Netanyahu to use caution in moving forward with the election for the country of Israel. I stand to tell Netanyahu to prove to the Israeli-Palestinian people and the people of the region, specifically Iran, his desire for peace,” stated Imperato.

Imperato felt that discussions need to be initiated between Netanyahu and Ahmadinejad.

“I request Netanyahu, with my full support, to engage in discussions with Mahmoud Abbas and to take a leadership role in clearly identifying a peace plan. This plan would collectively be beneficial for all and could be utilized in the event Netanyahu or someone else becomes Prime Minister.”

“I call on Netanyahu to use his diplomatic touch and ask him to reach out for the Iranian leader Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Receive him and meet with him to discuss the peace initiative in the region, mutual respect for each other and the people in the region, and to win the confidence in the region by showing Israel’s true interest of peace.”

What concerned Imperato was the threat of nuclear force by either Iran or Israel.

“I am not happy to hear that Netanyahu stands for being the bearer of nuclear insanity and a staunch enemy of the Palestinian rights. I believe that Netanyahu has the opportunity to stand up and be a light to the region in order to extend mutual discussions with Iran and its leadership, and to request a peaceful solution to what seems to be a nuclear eruption.”

“The fact that nuclear attacks by Israel are in the air tells us that the air needs to be cleaned, and the past needs to be cleared. It is not fair for the leadership of Iran, Ahmadinejad, and his people to live in fear on a daily basis specifically in light of the fact that the insinuations in the press are that Netanyahu and Israel would lead such an attack.”

The United States, according to Imperato, needed to step up and play a larger role.

“I also call on our administration in the Untied States and our President Bush to take an active role in participating in discussions directly with all parties. Additionally, we need to determine the credibility of such a possible attack.”

“I am astonished and appalled to have studied documents that clearly state a readiness for such barbaric like activity. I call on the United States of America and its people to stand up and demand the answers pertaining to the direction that our leadership is headed.”

Imperato concluded his statement with the following remarks, “Remember there are Jews, Palestinians, and Iranians living in the United States of America. If anything of such nature comes about, the effect in our own country will be detrimental. I hope and pray that our leadership and the region’s leadership come together and clear the air to stop this threat of inevitable action pertaining to this disgusting issue.”

About Daniel Imperato
Daniel was born in Boston, Mass ( 1958 ), and began his business career in 1977 transforming the manufacturing facilities in Israel through adapting them to the global marketplace along with bringing financing to the factories for global expansion. He also operated a trading company in Singapore and owned a manufacturing company in Belgium. Daniel brings over thirty years of experience in global business planning and development and has personal relationships at high levels around the world. Daniel has consulted for Fortune 500 corporations, with a mix of product lines, consisting of telecommunications products and services, telecommunications equipment including v-sat terminals and handheld mobile satellite telephones, along with passport and identification cards services and secure documents for foreign governments around the world. He is currently a Papal Knight with honors from the Vatican, and a board member for the African Center Foundation, a United Nations NGO.

Daniel has been a resident of West Palm Beach, Fl for over 10 years, and has devoted his time towards many worthwhile causes including our youth, and HIV/AIDS. He has unique value, explosive energy and has the ability to achieve what most others cannot. Daniel is also a dedicated honorable businessperson with morals and values that are based on trust and integrity. Presently, he has organized a Presidential Exploratory Committee in order to gauge support for a possible run at the White House in 2008.

***This Release was approved by Imperato For President 2008, the Official Presidential Exploratory Committee for Daniel Imperato.***

For Press Inquires Contact:
Dan Mangru

This release was published on openPR.

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